TCPDF is a PHP5 class for generating PDF files on-the-fly without requiring external extensions.
TCPDF has been originally derived from the Public Domain FPDF class by Olivier Plathey (
Main Features:
- supports UTF-8 Unicode and Right-To-Left languages;
- supports document encryption;
- includes methods to publish some xhtml code;
- includes graphic and transformation methods;
- includes bookmarks;
- includes Javascript and forms support;
- includes a method to print various barcode formats using an improved version of "Generic Barcode Render Class" by Karim Mribti ( (require GD library:
- supports TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, Type1 and encoding;
- supports custom page formats, margins and units of measure;
- includes methods for page header and footer management;
- supports automatic page break;
- supports automatic page numbering;
- supports automatic line break and text justification;
- supports JPEG, PNG anf GIF images;
- supports colors;
- supports links;
- support page compression (require zlib extension:;
- the source code is full documented in PhpDocumentor Style (
1. copy the folder on your Web server
2. set your installation path on the config/tcpdf_config.php
3. call the test_unicode.php page with your browser to see an example
NOTE: the test_old.php require proper font setup on tcpdf_config.